
DC Relationship Counselor

DC Relationship Counselor Couple

Looking for a DC relationship counselor? There are a few things you may find helpful in your search for relationship help and a Washington DC relationship counselor that will be a good fit for you and your partner’s unique needs.

A DC relationship counselor can be a difficult counselor to find.  At Keith Miller counseling, our DC relationship counselor has the specialized post-graduate training and high-volume experience with couples experiencing a rocky patch in their marriage.  You can be confident that we will be successful in helping your relationship.

How Our Washington DC relationship Counselor Works

Our Washington DC relationship counselor expertise combines (2) approaches. If our DC relationship counselor sees that it’s appropriate, we will teach you and your partner some structured skills to help with your communication and to help with connection.

Our Washington DC relationship counselor uses a variety of approaches to work with you both on an individual basis, rather than making one approach work for all. Learning healthy relationship skills can be very helpful, but if chronic depression, anxiety, or addiction is involved, another more suitable approach will be used. Our DC relationship counselor will carefully listen to what you are telling us and what you think you need the most help with. We specialize in helping a variety of emotional issues like anxiety, depression and addictions.  Our DC relationship counselor can offer guidance to help you successfully mount and conquer any issue that may be keeping you from a healthy and happy marriage.

 Stop Feeding the Problem & Become the Solution with the Help of a Washington DC Relationship Counselor

Are you ready to take responsibility for being part of the cause and willing to make it possible for your partner to help give you what you need in the relationship? When we find ourselves in a relationship where we are disconnected, we sometimes feel that is has nothing to do with us and everything to do with our partner. If we can learn how to accept responsibility for our part of the problems, then we can start working on a solution and quit wasting energy on blaming our spouse. Our Washington DC relationship counselor can make sure you take unproductive blame out of your conversations and start you on the road of progress!

TAG: DC Relationship Counselor

Our fees are between $200-$400 for 50 minutes, depending on your counselor. We do not accept insurance, meaning we are not "in-network" with any health plans.
However, many of our clients submit claims to their out-of-network health insurance and receive 40-60% reimbursement.