DC Psychological Tests
DC Psychological Tests
A person’s personality can affect the way that individual performs work tasks. It can affect the way that an individual is affected by every day stressors. Personality can also impact the way a person learns. DC psychological tests assess a person’s psychological profile and intelligence level. DC psychological tests come in a wide variety of formats and levels. Many medical facilities, employers and schools use DC psychological tests to help evaluate clients and students to help them know the best form of communicating with them and providing the best learning environment.
at 202-629-1949
Common Uses for DC Psychological Tests
Parents who would like to enroll their children in a private school can use DC psychological tests for admission. DC psychological tests will measure the child’s intelligence level and supply the school with qualification criteria. People who are seeking to work in specific employment environments can benefit by taking DC psychological tests for qualification. DC psychological tests can help individuals to see if they are the right fit for the position they are interested in. People with learning disabilities may also benefit from DC psychological tests. These tests will help them find the proper diagnosis or help resources. The right DC psychological tests can help bring to light the individual’s weak areas so that caregivers can implement the proper treatment plan.
DC Psychological Tests We May Provide:
Our facility can perform a wide range of DC psychological tests for clients with various needs. Just a few of the DC psychological tests our facility specializes in are:
- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WIPPSI) DC psychological tests
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) DC psychological tests
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) DC psychological tests
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
- Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ)
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) DC psychological tests
Clients can use one or many of the previously mentioned DC psychological tests to establish a profile of intelligence or personality based qualifications. The first step for anyone seeking help through our DC psychological tests and assessments is to talk to one of our counselors. A counselor will be more than happy to set up an initial meeting for DC psychological tests. During the initial meeting, the client and the counselor will discuss his or her needs, issues and reasons for wanting to participate in taking DC psychological tests.
We also offer a range of treatment specialties that may be appropriate for your needs after you have undergone any needed DC psychological tests. Visit our staff pages to get familiar with our qualified psychotherapists that can answer your questions today.
Our areas of treatment focus for anyone considering DC psychological tests includes:
- ADHD Screening
- Family relationships
- Self-injuring
- Communication in relationships
- Conflict in relationships
- Infidelity in Relationships
- Premarital Counseling
- Anxiety Treatment
- Addiction Treatment
- Depression Treatment
- Anger Management
at 202-629-1949